A study on effectiveness of advertisement in case of insurance industry
Manik Jindal
Indian insurance is a flourishing industry with several national and international players competing and growing at rapid rates. This is due to the various reforms and easing of policy regulations. Effective advertising is one of the most critical determinants of success in sales and marketing services especially insurance. Advertisement effectiveness is the degree to what extent advertisement creates a specific wanting impact. Though it is not possible to obtain a global measure of the adverting effectiveness and that too in case of intangible product like insurance it becomes more difficult. But this paper is an effort to study and measure the impact of advertising in the insurance market.
Manik Jindal. A study on effectiveness of advertisement in case of insurance industry. Int J Res Finance Manage 2020;3(1):19-20. DOI: 10.33545/26175754.2020.v3.i1a.48