A critical study on the role of industrial relation as an instrument in settling conflict between industries and their employees
Prerna Bhagalpurkar
Industrial relations or employment relations are the multidisciplinary academic field that studies the employment relationship; that is, the complex interrelations between employers and employees, labor/trade unions, employer organizations and the state. The newer name, "employment relations" is increasingly taking precedence because "industrial relations" is often seen to have relatively narrow connotations. Nevertheless, industrial relations has frequently been concerned with employment relationships in the broadest sense, including "non-industrial" employment relationships. This is sometimes seen as paralleling a trend in the separate but related discipline of human resource management. In simple terms Industrial Relations deals with the worker employee relation in any industry Government has attempted to make Industrial Relations more health them by enacting Industrial Disputes Act 1947 to solve the dispute and to reduce the regency of dispute. This in turn improves the relations. Industrial relations in countries, sub-regions and regions, have been influenced by a variety of circumstances and actors such as political philosophies, economic imperatives, and the role of the State in determining the direction of economic and social development, the influence of unions and the business community, as well as the legacies of colonial governments. IR fulfilled the function of providing employees with a collective voice, and unions with the means to establish standardized terms and conditions of employment not only within an enterprise but also across an industry, and sometimes across an economy. This was achieved through the freedom of association, collective bargaining and the right to strike. Similar results were achieved in the South Asian sub-region where political democracy, and sometimes socialist ideology, provided enormous bargaining power and influence on legislative outcomes to even unions with relatively few members.
Prerna Bhagalpurkar. A critical study on the role of industrial relation as an instrument in settling conflict between industries and their employees. Int J Res Finance Manage 2021;4(1):38-41. DOI: 10.33545/26175754.2021.v4.i1a.95