Adoption of quantitative techniques and performance of selected quoted manufacturing companies in Nigeria
Etim Osim Etim, Emmanuel E Daferighe and Usen Paul Umoh
The study was conducted to examine the influence of quantitative measures on performance of manufacturing companies in Nigeria. The survey research design was adopted in this study because data were collected using primary technique. Champion Brewery Plc., Uyo was considered as a manufacturing company studied. The population of this study was made up of thirty-four (34) employees who were in the strategic position in Champion Brewery Plc, Uyo. The entire population of thirty-four (34) employees were sampled for this study. Data were collected using structured questionnaire. The dependent variable was Performance (PM) while the independent variables were quantitative measures represented by Linear Programming (LP), Linear Regression (LR) and Break-even Analysis (BEA). From the outcomes of the analyses, it was discovered that LP, LR and BEA had positive and significant influence on PM of Champion Brewery Plc, Uyo. It was concluded that quantitative measures (linear programming, linear regression and break-even analysis) had positive and significant influence on performance of manufacturing companies in Nigeria. However, it was recommended that linear programming should be adopted effectively in the operations of manufacturing companies in Nigeria to solve the problem of allocation and ascertaining optimal products that could raise profitability and drive performance of the firms.
Etim Osim Etim, Emmanuel E Daferighe, Usen Paul Umoh. Adoption of quantitative techniques and performance of selected quoted manufacturing companies in Nigeria. Int J Res Finance Manage 2022;5(1):38-46. DOI: 10.33545/26175754.2022.v5.i1a.138