International Journal of Research in Finance and Management
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E-ISSN: 2617-5762|P-ISSN: 2617-5754

2024, Vol. 7, Issue 1

Review on return and volatility of the stock market concerning foreign institutional investors

Dr. Rohit Garg and Dr. Pooja Gupta

While investing in stock market, the Investors take risks so that maximum returns can be earned. The key concept in financial asset pricing is the tradeoff between risk and return. The volatility of asset return measures the risk related with financial assets (Mamtha & Srinivisan. 2016). The main concern for any investors in general and for the policy makers in particular is the matter of volatility of stock market as it creates scared situation in the market. The Major part of investment in the Indian stock market came through FII mode. The goal of this analytical study is to perform a content analysis of the literature on stock market volatility covering the years 1990–2020, or a span of 30 years. This study of analytical behavior's primary goal is to obtain understanding of the several topics related to stock market volatility. The analysis finds that research conducted over the last 30 years has a major impact on stock returns globally and that these effects are beneficial.
Additionally, it is observed that earlier research on the return and volatility of the stock market has evaluated a generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (GARCH) family based model. The report also reveals a notable shift in research endeavors during the last three decades.
Pages : 276-282 | 266 Views | 111 Downloads

International Journal of Research in Finance and Management
How to cite this article:
Dr. Rohit Garg, Dr. Pooja Gupta. Review on return and volatility of the stock market concerning foreign institutional investors. Int J Res Finance Manage 2024;7(1):276-282. DOI: 10.33545/26175754.2024.v7.i1c.310
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